HR Consultants

Provide even better guidance tailored to your customers

Wenite helps HR consultants uncover opportunities with their customers as efficiently as possible through employee surveys. This allows them to measurably demonstrate the impact of interventions and become a strategic partner.

These companies strengthen HR with Wenite


Where are the pain points

Wenite's software allows you to create targeted surveys in just a few clicks and to receive automatic results reports. We have a database of scientifically based questions that are clustered according to specific themes, for example, you can check the leadership or work-life balance at the companies you supervise.

Find out which interventions work

Measure with Wenite in an objective way which solutions (coaching, workshops, etc.) have helped. Our platform automatically creates reports comparing your customers' results with our benchmarks or baseline measurement, allowing you to easily spot trends and evolutions.

HR manager

Your customer as co-pilot

HR managers from companies that partner with Wenite - thanks to you - can monitor the results and impact of your interventions in their personal cockpit, which includes employee experience data. You create the surveys, which your customers approve or adjust as necessary.


Get an overview of your work

On the dashboard, you keep an overview of all your customers and past surveys. You can see how the surveys are going, and in addition to the measured KPIs, you can also view the raw data. It is the ideal basis for a good conversation and action plan that you draw up with the customer.

With Wenite, pulse surveys allow us to quickly gauge how HR actions are landing and make immediate adjustments where necessary. Reporting on these surveys ensures efficient follow-up for both Attentia and the end customer.

Dimitri Appelmans

Director of Sales & Marketing

We work in a more efficient, faster and automated way. What's more, we're now also data-driven, something our customers have been waiting for.

Brecht Buysschaert

CEO, Springbok Coaching

Get more than you expect

Wenite improves continuously. Through ongoing innovation, we give you the capabilities you need to strengthen HR even more.


Whether you want to look for opportunities with 1 or 10 companies and demonstrate your impact: it makes no difference to our platform.


Offer customers software in your corporate identity to expand your services.

Content library

Wenite has an extensive library of relevant videos and blog posts that you can implement.

Own marketplace

Employees can earn points by completing surveys. They can trade them in on our marketplace where health is key.



Do you still have unanswered questions? We are here to help you.

Is my data safe with Wenite?

Yes, your data is secure on our cloud servers in Frankfurt, fully compliant with GDPR regulations.

Can I create my own queries and assessments in Wenite?

Absolutely. Our platform is customizable to meet your company’s specific needs.

How long does onboarding take?

We provide tailored onboarding, which typically takes around fourteen days.

What topics can I query off-the-shelf via Wenite?

There’s a variety  of topics, including burnout risk, turnover intention, leadership evaluation, and diversity and inclusion.

How do you use AI?

We use AI to make queries as efficient as possible. In addition, to make it easier to determine what to query when and to make the results easy to interpret.


Schedule a demo

Discover how you can guide your customers even better with Wenite. Get in touch today for a demo or more information.

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