
The easiest way to know what's going on in companies

The easiest way to know what's going on in companies

These companies strengthen HR with Wenite

This is how it works

From words to actions

Thanks to our process, companies are not only able to discover opportunities in HR, but also to get started with them.

step 1

Collect data in the blink of an eye

Wenite allows you to quickly set up surveys that are scientifically based.

A database full of questions

Our database contains hundreds of questions clustered thematically. For example, you can specifically create a survey that gauges employee engagement or work-life balance.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

Employees receive immediate feedback or rewards after they share their experiences. This is how we ensure that surveys are completed faster and more regularly.

step 2

Analyse data and prepare reports

Wenite objectively reveals what employees, even the quietest voices, truly think. The dashboard displays graphs and tables highlighting where the biggest pain points are. Additionally, our AI technology automatically generates a summary of the most significant findings from the survey.

step 3

Go from data to action

Thanks to our real-time data and benchmarking, you can see how your HR approach compares to the market. This way, you can take targeted action, such as scheduling workshops or training sessions.

step 4

Evolution & evaluation

Evaluate which interventions were effective. By regularly surveying employees, even if it only takes a few minutes, you can continuously adjust for maximum impact.

With Wenite, pulse surveys allow us to quickly gauge how HR actions are landing and make immediate adjustments where necessary. Reporting on these surveys ensures efficient follow-up for both Attentia and the end customer.

Dimitri Appelmans

Director of Sales & Marketing

We work in a more efficient, faster and automated way. What's more, we're now also data-driven, something our customers have been waiting for.

Brecht Buysschaert

CEO, Springbok Coaching

Get more than you expect

Wenite improves continuously. Through ongoing innovation, we give you the capabilities you need to strengthen HR even more.


Whether you want to look for opportunities with 1 or 10 companies and demonstrate your impact: it makes no difference to our platform.


Offer customers software in your corporate identity to expand your services.

Content library

Wenite has an extensive library of relevant videos and blog posts that you can implement.

Own marketplace

Employees can earn points by completing surveys. They can trade them in on our marketplace where health is key.


Do you believe in the power of data in HR?

Learn how Wenite can strengthen your HR services.

Contact us today for a demo or more information.