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Ten DEI-metrics you should be measuring

As a company, you bear the responsibility of providing your employees with a fair and inclusive work environment. To achieve this in a balanced manner, DEI metrics (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) are indispensable. These metrics enable you to understand biases and inequalities within the organization, equipping you with the knowledge to address any challenges effectively.

Measure your employee happiness: how Springbok uses Wenite for their customers

Springbok is your partner on the path to a healthier workplace. The company adopts a holistic approach, focusing on seven pillars that contribute to employee wellbeing. Springbok turns words into action at every level, beginning with the essentials: measuring. As they say, the numbers tell the tale.

Successful mentoring programs for diversity and inclusion

Mentoring programs play a crucial role in promoting diversity and inclusion within organizations. They connect experienced professionals with less experienced employees, often from underrepresented groups. Why? Because they break down barriers and foster a culture of equality and inclusivity. Here are the steps you need to take.

How workplace diversity drives better business outcomes

Workplace diversity is more than just a buzzword at Wenite; it’s a daily reality that benefits every facet of our business. Let’s explore how embracing diversity in the workplace not only enhances employee well-being but also boosts business results.

Creating and maintaining an inclusive corporate culture in 9 steps

In today’s diverse world, fostering an inclusive corporate culture is essential. At Wenite, we believe that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are not just ethical imperatives but also key to a more engaged and productive work environment. Here are nine practical steps companies can take to create and sustain an inclusive culture.

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