Is your company as inclusive as you think it is?


In Conversation with Jasper Messely from MENS

Diversity, inclusion, and equality are highly relevant topics today. More and more companies want to focus on these areas, and to do so effectively, you need a clear, data-driven plan of action. Wenite provides you with the necessary data. We discussed this with Jasper Messely, Talent Manager at MENS. He oversees everything related to attracting, onboarding, deploying, and further developing talent.

MENS is a strategic HR partner. "Our mission is to leave a lasting impact to make sure our clients can eventually handle everything we do themselves. We aim to make ourselves redundant and provide the right tools." says Jasper.

One of those tools is Wenite's platform. While a company might claim to be inclusive, is it really? "You need to know whether the perception you have as a core team aligns with reality. Wenite truly keeps a finger on the pulse to see what’s happening on the work floor." Jasper explains. Diversity, inclusion, and equality are crucial themes. "It's a very conscious decision to include this component in the survey."

So, what’s next? Jasper clarifies: "With Wenite's employee survey, we have a clear starting point to develop an action plan with quick wins and strategic actions. We haven't yet determined all the specific steps we will take, but we know which aspects need priority. We are currently conducting performance reviews and cross-referencing them with the survey results."

MENS used our platform to test it and then apply it with clients. But there was another reason: "We are in a growth phase and you can’t be equally involved with everyone. At MENS, we have a certain way of communicating, but it stems from the core team’s perspective, so such a survey is the ideal way to show people they can voice their opinions." Jasper elaborates.

"Wenite truly keeps a finger on the pulse to see what’s happening on the work floor." - Jasper Messely, Talent Manager at MENS

We also asked Jasper which element of our platform he finds indispensable: "Benchmarking is essential in our surveys. It helps us enormously because it shows that it’s not necessarily abnormal not to score 100% in some areas. You get an accurate representation of reality, and if you see a significant gap in the benchmark, you know what to work on."

Everything revolves around a safe work culture where people communicate openly with each other, and Jasper has a clear vision on this. "We are going to show everyone all the scores, even where we’re below the benchmark. It should be noted: our results were predominantly positive."

Once the results are in, they need to be interpreted. "We went through the questions in detail and saw that most responses were 'agree' or 'strongly agree.' There was no negative feedback. Our goal is to engage those who responded neutrally and make it clear that they can and should express their opinions. For us, it’s a nice confirmation of our open communication culture."

"Our goal is to engage those who responded neutrally and make it clear that they can and should express their opinions." - Jasper Messely, Talent Manager at MENS

One of the most important aspects is measuring the impact of your actions based on the results. "If one of your employees is dissatisfied, and you address that specific issue, you can only hope you did the right thing." says Jasper. Wenite provides clarity; employee surveys like these are a continuous process to ensure you’re focusing on the right issues. "You shouldn’t be complacent with the situation as it is." Jasper explains.

The added value is clear. We asked Jasper what he appreciates about our platform: "The team's flexibility is a huge asset. You have real-time data insights, and it’s easy to distribute and complete the survey. Thanks to the employee survey, we know we’re working on the right things and understand what our employees value. Not based on assumptions, but on data." Jasper concludes.