Measure your employee happiness: how Springbok uses Wenite for their customers

Success stories

Springbok is your partner on the path to a healthier workplace. The company adopts a holistic approach, focusing on seven pillars that contribute to employee wellbeing. These pillars include healthy nutrition, mental health, connection, and ergonomics. Springbok turns words into action at every level, beginning with the essentials: measuring. As they say, the numbers tell the tale.

A Conversation with Brecht Buysschaert, Founder of Springbok

Brecht, you were an early adopter of Wenite. What convinced you to work with them?

We were indeed one of Wenite's first clients. I immediately felt a connection, and for me, that's the most important aspect of a collaboration like this. Wenite's solution was completely new to the market in 2020. At Springbok, we conduct many surveys, and initially, they were scattered everywhere. This process was inefficient for our project managers when creating reports. Wenite analyzed and centralized everything into one tool. They are a software partner that enhances our operational processes. Such a partnership should be long-term and feel right.

Over time, I've noticed that regardless of how the team grows, they continue to deliver the same quality, which I greatly appreciate. 

Wenite is an interesting company to work with and definitely worth supporting in their growth.

What is the main added value of Wenite for you?

Their ability to think along and empathize. There's no one-size-fits-all approach, which I find particularly impressive. Wenite manages to be creative and flexible as a SaaS provider. They think and feel with you, adapt, and offer suggestions. As an entrepreneur, that gives me a very pleasant feeling.

A concrete example is the VOV fair for L&D professionals. For that fair, we needed a way to create interaction with visitors. Wenite helped us develop a survey that measures satisfaction with L&D at work. We highlighted this module, and people could win a scan. It's great that Wenite also considers revenue generation, creating a win-win situation. I really feel the goodwill factor.

Do you start with a survey of your customers by default, or are they more likely used for specific issues?

My dream is to work with Wenite for every client. Clients who work with us structurally will use Wenite anyway. This allows us to respond at a strategic level. Good data and KPIs are crucial. We want to demonstrate improved wellbeing and participation levels and provide insights into the direction we need to take. This is exactly what the platform allows us to do.

What do you want to achieve with Wenite's platform?

One of my goals is to challenge companies to commit to a three-year partnership. Behavioral and cultural change doesn't happen overnight; it takes time and investment. We support KPIs and targets with assessments, clearly demonstrating why three years are necessary.

This clear purpose contributes to our job satisfaction; we see the changes in our clients' workplaces. Underpinning the community shift where people are more engaged in self-care and mental rest periods with data is important.

Is there a guaranteed ROI?

Those who work structurally with data are guaranteed a positive ROI if they invest in health and well-being in the workplace. There will be less absenteeism, and productivity and engagement will increase.

If you address this structurally and holistically, you can certainly recoup up to €3 per euro invested annually. Health economists such as Lieven Annemans endorse this. In some progressive, people-centered countries, this even goes up to €8 to €10, but they have been convinced of its importance for much longer.

If you engage with data structurally and holistically, you can certainly recoup up to €3 per euro invested on an annual basis.