Wenite Sub-Processors

Last revision: 17 July 2024

To support the delivery of our Services, Wenite BV may engage and use third-party data processors (“Sub-processors”) to process certain Customer Data. This page provides important information about the identity, location, and role of each Sub-processor. Terms used on this page but not defined have the meanings ascribed to them by the terms set forth in the General Terms and Conditions or superseding written agreement between Wenite and its Clients.

What are cookies?

Wenite currently use the below list of Sub-Processors to provide infrastructure services, customer support, service administration services, and email notifications. Please note that not all Sub-Processors are used in the provision of all services we provide and some may only be involved in assisting with the provision of specific services.

Wenite currently use the below list of Sub-Processors to provide infrastructure services, customer support, service administration services, and email notifications. Please note that not all Sub-Processors are used in the provision of all services we provide and some may only be involved in assisting with the provision of specific services.

Changes to this sub-processor list.

As our business and services evolve, we may add, remove, or update information about our Sub-Processors on this webpage or retain the services of additional Sub-Processors, if we determine their processing activity will improve or enhance our ability to deliver our services to you. We will periodically update this page to reflect changes to our Sub-Processors. If you have any questions about our sub-processing activities, please contact dpo@wenite.io.